Your Why

Your "Why" Is Different from Your "What"

Your "what" is the things you do every day. Your "why" is the reason behind them. It's the driving force that motivates you.

Only You Can Make Your "Why" Unique

Others may share your "why," but no one else brings your unique perspective, personality, and experience. Make sure you're fully involved in pursuing your "why."

Your "Why" Unites and Separates

Your "why" draws you toward people and opportunities that align with your values. At the same time, it separates you from those who don't. It’s like a magnet—attracting what resonates with you and repelling what doesn’t.

If You Have a Strong "Why," You Can Handle Almost Any "How"

When you know your "why," you can figure out the "how." If you're struggling with how to get things done, it might be because you haven't clarified your "why" yet. Once you do, the "how" will become much clearer.

Your "Why" Has Always Been There

Your "why" has been guiding you since birth, even if you didn't realize it. Sometimes, you have to let go of overthinking and listen to your intuition to understand what really drives you.


Forgive yourself

