Toxic Relationships

Asking for help is never easy, but it's essential. Don't be afraid to reach out, even for small things. It's okay to admit you need support—it's an act of self-care, for you and the people around you.

Here's some advice to help maintain your mental health:

1. Avoid Toxic People

Some people are toxic when you're alone with them—they gossip, manipulate, or drain your energy. It’s okay to set boundaries and ensure you're not isolated with these people. Keeping a safe distance, or having others around, is crucial for your well-being. Don't feel guilty for protecting yourself from negativity.

2. Identify Takers, Not Givers

Some people in your life only take without giving back. Conversations are always about them, and they rarely support you when you need it. Even if they're fun to be around, it's important to notice the energy imbalance—they’re making constant withdrawals from your "friendship bank account" without making any deposits. Consider who these people are and whether it's worth maintaining those relationships.

3. Let Go of Unbalanced Relationships

If someone contributes little to the relationship but controls so much of it, it’s time to reevaluate. You don’t have to carry the weight of a one-sided relationship. It's okay to let it go. Sometimes, the best thing you can do for your mental health is to step back and let the unhealthy connections dissolve.

I hope these tips help you manage the relationships in your life more positively. Remember, your mental health and happiness come first.




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