6 Tips for a better life

1. Speak Up: If something bothers you for more than 24 hours, talk about it within 48 hours. This mantra has helped me a lot and might help you too.

2. Be Kind to Yourself: Treat yourself like someone you care for because you are responsible for yourself. We often forget to be kind to ourselves.

3. Bad Days Aren't Bad Lives: A bad day is just a bad day, not a bad life. Remember this during tough times.

4. Ignore the Inner Critic: The critical voice in your head doesn’t tell the truth or have your best interests at heart. Tune it out as much as you can.

5. Choose Gratitude Over Anxiety: You can’t be anxious and grateful at the same time. In anxious moments, focus on what you're grateful for to reduce anxiety.

6. Express Your Feelings: Stop apologising for your feelings. You have the right to take up space and express yourself. Your feelings matter.


Forgive yourself